Friday, 16 September 2011

"That's Hot".... My Oven I Mean, Go Stick Your Head In It (Pointless Celeb #30)

You may have guessed that I don't like celebrities that are famous for no reason.  But I DETEST celebrities are famous for happily living off the name of their family.  This makes Paris Hilton Public Enemy #1 in my books
Born with the biggest ever silver spoon in her mouth, the dumb blonde has had everything us mere mortals could ever dream of handed to her on a plate and yet she's still lived every single one of her 10,958 days on this planet as a real life Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - "I want, I want, I want".  And, as is always the case with parents with too much money and not enough common sense, she got, she got, she got!

What's the deal with that stupid, fake, high pitched, childlike voice?  It didn't work for Michael Jackson, it's not working for you Paris - just talk normally, you sound like a retard!  Why has no one pointed this out to her?

The list of crap she's put her name to to generate income/ cash in on her name is both astounding and quite diverse.... perfume, nightclubs, wine - the only thing that links them together is they all smell off wee!

She's had books (ghost written, obviously), hair extensions and a singing career (damn you Autotune!!!!!)

But there are only 2 things Pairs is famous for - THAT tape and THOSE mugshots.
Much like Kim Kardashian, Paris' star rocketed after the release of a dodgy home sex tape.  Whereas most of us would be mortified to know the world has seen our bits in all it's green night visioned, shaky hand cam glory, she has lived up to her slutty image and made millions from laying in her back.

Don't get me started on her brushes with the law.  If one of us pulled the crazy crap that she has we'd be locked away for years, not the 40 odd days she served.  What really boils my blood is that her list of misdemeanours and felonies is quite extensive: drunk driving, driving without a licence, speeding at night with no headlights on and possession of weed and cocaine, not namby pamby stuff that would get you a slap on the wrist!

When she came out of jail in 2007, she promised to turn her life around and start to do things for others less fortunate - it didn't even last a day before she was back to her stupid, dumb ways.

What gets me is that the Hilton hotel empire has been built up through years of hard work and dedication from her great-grandfather, she's not done a single days work, yet will inherit a rather hefty sum of the profits when it's her time, which she will no doubt squander on handbags, booze and drugs.

The only thing I console myself with is, despite all the money, fast cars, designer clothes, Paris will NEVER have any proper friends.  She'll just have acquaintances and hangers on only after the money and perks that comes with hanging out with a Grade A Dumbass.

Paris, there is probably a reason why your "friends" come and go out of your life and why the warranty on your engagement rings last longer the boyfriends that give them to you.  I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say the reason is YOU!  You are a high maintenance head f**k who doesn't deserve a single penny of your wealth!


H x

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