Friday, 2 September 2011

Who Keeps Hiring Kerry Katona?!? (Pointless Celeb #27)

You can always tell the calibre of person by their Wikipedia job description.  When you are called a "media personality" is means people are thinking "what the hell do you do?"  It's no surprise that Kerry Katona is a "media personality".

She's had more scandals than hot dinners - failed marriages, family rows, drug problems, mental health problems, financial problems.  She's been hired, fired and re-hired yet hasn't actually seemed to have changed in anyway.  Which begs the question..... who keeps thinking it's a good idea to hire Kerry Katona?
She burst onto the scene in 1999 as one third of Atomic Kitten, all blonde hair and boobs and not much else.  It soon became clear, and she ever admitted it herself, that she couldn't sing and after 2 years of constant miming she left after getting knocked up by the fat one from Westlife.

What's so annoying about Katona is that when she was crowned Queen of the jungle she had the world (and us) at her feet.  She COULD have done anything, but instead she got divorced and lost the plot.  Yes, it must be devastating when your hubby falls in love with another woman right in front of your eyes, but she's not the first person it's happened to - Jennifer Anniston didn't reach for the Class A's when Brad left her, Kerry, however, did.

The following 6 years were just a car crash of men, booze, drugs, more kids, thousands of pounds worth of body sculpting, bankruptcy and another divorce, all played out on the covers of the glossy magazines, newspapers, interviews and the obligatory reality tv shows.

And there was THAT interview on This Morning.....
The fact that the whole purpose of the interview was to talk about the thousands of pounds she'd just spent on having things nipped, tucked and sucked out of her body just showed how desperate she had become to get her face on the telly.  As she gurned, slurred and stuttered her way through the interview it should've signalled the end of her "career", but it didn't.  If anything, it helped it - she blamed the rambly, shambolic appearance on her medication for her bi-polar and everyone accepted it without demanding a drugs test to see exactly was coursing through her veins.  Surely this isn't the type of person we want our kids to look up to?

I thought Kerry had hit rock bottom when the video of her sniffing something that wasn't talcum powder in her bathroom appeared on the net.  She was dropped from most of her work contracts and no one wanted anything to do with her.  I honestly thought she had finally been kicked out of the celeb coop and was on her way back to earth with a bump - could Poundland be getting a new cashier?  Oh how I wished I'd get her asking me if I wanted fries with my burger or to go large for an extra 20p, but her 15 minutes hadn't quite been drained of every last second and much like a Call of Duty character, she respawned and came back stronger and willing to do ANYTHING!  Chat shows, magazine shoots, game shows and, of course, a reality tv show following her every move.

The thing about Katona is, that despite all this "reinvention" we all know that underneath there's a very "troubled" girl waiting to break out and I can't be the only one who's waiting for her to fall off the wagon because it is going to be monumental!  Until then, looks like we're stuck seeing pictures of Kerry turning up to the opening of the envelope, seeing as she's got no other talent to pay the bills.

Kerry - the poster girl who had it all and lost it all.... and will never get it back!  Be warned kids - drugs aren't big or clever and if you take them you'll end up miming Atomic Kitten sons for the rest of your life!!!


H x

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