Friday, 16 September 2011

Tits > Talent to Guarantee You Become a Celebrity (Pointless Celeb #31)

I can't quite believe just how Danielle Lloyd's managed to turn her public image round from dirty racist to doting mother and mouth piece for all things baby.  She did after all tell Shilpa Shetty to "Fuck off home" on TV, but it seems people have forgiven and forgotten after her limp excuse that it was "said it was just said in the heat of the moment".  

Jade Goody didn't get off so lightly in the row, she lost lots of work, Jo O'Meara had some sort of breakdown and Jack Tweed just went back to being the bellend we all knew and hated from before.  Danielle, however, fluttered her eyelashes and everyone just said "you're forgiven".  

Just shows you the power of a great set of tits!
But when it comes down to the crunch, that's all she is - a pair of boobs... and she's as fake as them too!

A former Miss England and Miss Great Britain, she proved she certainly has the brains (or lack of them) to be a pageant princess by unwittingly revealing in an interview that her boyfriend was one of the judges in the competition and couldn't understand it when people were calling her victory a fix!

For the last 5 years she's made a career from posing with all her bits out for lads mags and going on all the "celeb" reality show available in between sleeping with as many footballers as she can.  Classy!

Now that she's plopped out 2 kids in quick succession I doubt the lads mag covers will be making a comeback - her career had drooped as low as her breasts (or as low as her breast WOULD HAVE drooped if they were real) and with no other skill to fall back on I have a feeling she'll be bouncing from one overpaid footballer to the other when this latest one moves on to a newer and younger model, but at least she can bleed this one dry with maintenance money for her sprogs.

Oh one day her uppance will come and she'll be reminded that she's a talentless wench no better than the other WAGs who's only goal is to marry a footballer "'cause they are proper fit and loaded" and I for one can't wait!

POINTLESS CELEBRITY #31 - Danielle Lloyd

H x

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