Monday, 20 December 2010

Fame Through Hard Work? Nah, I’ll Just Get My Boobs Out! (Pointless Celeb #5)

If there’s ever a case of “girl girl gone bad” it’s American actress Tara Reid.  And I don’t mean bad as in “OMG, did you see her flip off that old man and get into a fight with an 8 year old”, I mean bad is in “smell this carton of milk with added lumps. I’ve been hiding in the back of the fridge for 2 months!”  She stinks!
I remember sitting in the cinema in ’99 watching "American Pie" thinking the only likeable character in the whole film was Vicky; the blonde with the boyfriend who had THAT book!  Back then she had all - girls wanted to be her and the guys wanted to be IN her.  11 years on and I’m now struggling to think of her as a real person.
The last thing of note she did was "Scrubs" in 2005.  Her last six films went straight to DVD and the most interesting thing she did in 2010 was dump a boyfriend no one knew about and cancelled a wedding no one cared about.
The only headlines she gets is when she’s snapped with a boob hanging out of her dress or on a beach with all her surgery scars on show or just falling out of a club three sheets to the wind (normally with a boob hanging out).  I know she’s spent a lot of money on the twins, but someone needs to tell her when your tits look like Edwards Scissorhands’ copped a feel, maybe it’s best to wear a dress with a higher neckline or at least a bra!  For a girl who seemed to have the world at her feet, why did she piss it all away? 
When I heard the only reason she had surgery on her stomach was because she wanted a six pack, it begged the question “Is she retarded, or just acting like a div because she’s in a remake of “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” and already getting into character?”  After seeing her subsequent behaviour, and the fact there’s been no remake, I’ve concluded that Tara Reid MUST be retarded.
I just can’t understand how she is managing to live.  Her “American Pie” pay cheques must be long gone and she doesn’t hit me as the type of girl to spend hours on the stock market.  Despite once upon a time actually having a craft that could’ve earned her millions, she decided to try and pickle her liver and become Party Girl Extraordinaire. 
But surely it’s not just me that’s getting tired of the Tara Reid Car Crash that is her life?  She seems to be the go-to gal for the press to point and laugh at when Lindsey Lohan’s been locked away.  In effect, Tara Reid’s turned into LiLo’s understudy on how to act like a dick!  I bet her mother is sooooo proud!
Tara – just do us all a favour, get sober, put some bloody clothes on and TRY and remember how to act!  You’ll never get an Oscar, but at least it’ll stop Kristen Bloody Stewart appearing in everything!!!
H x

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